Lately I’ve been realizing the limit of my abilities and resources. I’m just one person, and there are many challenges to be solved. The only way real change happens is when we come together. We’re in this together, and we must move forward together.
I’m posting my ideas here in hopes they encourage someone to create, think big, help others. No matter how small.
With $40,000, I'd fund an institute to encourage entrepreneurial thinking and development in Nepal.
What would be taught:
- What is entrepreneurship? What does it mean to be an entrepreneur?
- Skills and techniques to bring ideas to life (question-asking, experimentation, creativity)
- How to use entrepreneurial thinking in everyday work
Skills learned:
leadership, creativity, communication, problem solving, character building, goal setting, computer and tech skills, public speaking, fundamentals of business and management
Sample business fundamentals: marketing, sales strategy, branding, customer relationships, communications, public speaking, networking
What would be offered to participants:
- A center with appropriate media and learning tools (newspapers, magazines, computers)
- Support and resources (tutoring, networking help, regular events, guest lectures)
- 5-week course on entrepreneurship
- A conversational English book filled with phrases and real-life applications
- Small class sizes and individualized tutoring and attention
Job training, interview prep, resume help, computer and tech assistance, writing aid (correspondence, emails and applications), internship placement, language accelerator with emphasis on conversation
- Support of a thriving, energetic community and a network filled with those who can help
What would be required of students:
- Basic knowledge of English, Math, Nepali, Social Studies and Science (relevant application)
- Willingness to learn, curiosity, and a bit of risk-taking
- Dedicated hours each week to study and experiment both within class and at home
How it's sustainable:
Students are trained as facilitators and encouraged to return to their own communities to teach learned concepts in a way that is appropriate to their unique environment and adopt material to meet needs of their individual community. A variety of ages, abilities, skills and experiences welcome.
Sample curriculum:
WEEK 1 concepts: stages of entrepreneurship and creation; idea, plan, action, test, execution, repetition, scaling. Homework: Choose one idea to test and implement.
WEEK 2 concepts: marketing, sales strategy, branding. Homework: How will you differentiate your idea from the rest?
WEEK 3 concepts: customer relationship, communication. Homework: Who is your audience? What do they want? What do you say to them and how? Draw a map of the customer cycle.
WEEK 4 concepts: public speaking, networking. Homework: Consider appropriate partners for your idea and look for opportunities that might be of benefit.
WEEK 5 concepts: “the pitch," presentations, selling. Homework: In-class presentations and pitch competition.