The right to information and quality education

One of my favorite rituals in Nepal is walking to the center market to buy a newspaper. There's one corner where all of the newspapers are laid on the ground and sold. While the election was happening, I'd stand there with a handful of men and wait for the papers to arrive in a small taxi, lifted in stacks of tied twine and quickly dispersed. I would patiently wait for one of the English papers to emerge from the car's trunk and hurry back to the school, paper tucked beneath my arm.

It didn't take long to discover what a treasure the paper was to my students. "Newspaper delivery" isn't exactly an option for the Gumba, so this foreign object was eagerly passed between hands. Sometimes several boys would gather around the sports section to see the latest football results.

Watching them fueled my desire to improve access to education.  Access to news shouldn't be a privilege. I believe everyone has the right to information and quality education. Unfortunately, in Nepal, the best schools come with a price, and many families are limited by their economic status. 

Your anonymous donation is a testament to your commitment to education and opportunity for all. I think we can work together to make some changes happen. We're starting with Matepani.