A scholarship for Luni

Scholarship for a deserving student

With her brilliant smile, quirky personality and funky style, Luni brightens every room she enters. She walks about one hour each day to provide medical testing for local residents. Her paycheck helps her family pay rent. She’s dreamed of becoming a doctor but has viewed it as just that — a distant dream.

After some prodding and a bit of encouragement, Luni took the entrance examination for graduate study. She did awesome (which comes as no surprise), earning admission to a Tribhuvan University affiliated program. We want to help her finish her degree in Microbiology. 

The first woman in her family to attend college, Luni is well on her way.

For $2,000 (what most of us would be lucky to spend on one semester tuition), we can cover her entire degree. Right, we can give Luni a scholarship, something that is next to impossible to receive from the Nepali government, and provide full tuition for her program.

You may not know Luni — but we can’t think of a more deserving student for such an opportunity.

We believe that small acts of kindness can change the world. 

Click on her picture if you do, too.

Thanks for your help!